
Bezmaksas e-grāmatas latviešu valodā
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Jautrā bībele
Grāmatas lejupielāde pieejama tikai reģistrētiem lietotājiem
Ateistiskajā literatūrā nav nemaz tik daudz grāmatu, kas pārliecinoši un tai pašā laikā spilgli un asprātīgi atspēkotu jūdu un kristiešu galvenās «svētās» grāmatas — bibeles aplamības. Viena no tādām spilgtām un aizraujošām grāmatām ir «Jautrā bībele», ko sarakstījis pazīstamais franču žurnā­lists ateists Leo Taksils. Ar dzirkstošu humoru viņš iztirzā bibeles aplamības un pretrunas. Sī grāmata ir vērtīga ari ar to, ka autors sīki analizē bīljeles leģendas.
Komentāru kopskaits: 2
2 Koz  
Kayo, I'm with you on your love for "real" books. I love them as much as ever and that will never change. What I find hneipnpag to me personally, is that e-book technology will allow me to read some books I otherwise never would have read - especially the older ones that are almost considered to be lost nowadays. I've found some great old memoirs written by Civil War soldiers that have been out of print for decades now - and I downloaded them for free.Also, the ease of downloading from the library is something I never expected to enjoy so much. Of course, the selection is pretty poor at the moment and the line can be a long one at times.My biggest problem is that I am out of shelf space and I've been looking for a way to continue reading new books without having to get rid of the books I already have. With e-books, I can own a copy of the ones I want to have around - at no cost of shelf space - and, if I really love a book or author, I can selectively buy the ones I know I want to have in my study. E-books and real books, in combination, offer me the best of both worlds - but I will never feel a strong attachment to an e-book...there's nothing to touch, feel, smell, or hold.

1 Imants  
Vērtīga ir arī Vladimira Istarhova, “Krievu dievu trieciens”, Удар Русских Богов (fb2) Pieder pie aizliegtās literatūras un atmasko visu galveno pasaules reliģiju būtību, tiek parādīti masu apziņas vadības mehānismi. Visai reālistiski aprakstīta pasaules vēsture. žēl ka nav iztulkota latviski. Var lejupielādēt:

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